Lenape Meadows Announcements
Please have your child dress accordingly for the weather of the day. We do go out each day as long as the temperature reads 32 degrees and above. We will strongly encourage students to wear their jackets, but will not force them to do so. Please speak to your children regarding your expectations for cold weather gear.
PaySchools is excited to announce on January 22, 2020, Mahwah School District will be upgraded to our latest and greatest online payment product, PaySchools Central! While the upgrade is intended to be seamless, we want to make you aware of the specifics of the transition.
The New Jersey Office of Emergency Management offers a free on-line registration so that the state can provide residents with special needs advance or direct notification of pending natural emergencies or disasters.
Below is the link for this site.
Additionally, the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management offers information on the registry site at the link listed below: